Five Element Recipes
Food Can Balance Your Energy. Try these Five Element Recipes.
For December, Try Cranberry Cardamon Cookies!
"It’s long been known that specific flavors support each of the Five Element energies. This month, we honor the amazing energy of Earth, the element that seasonally supports balance by counterbalancing opposites (solstices) and embracing equals (equinoxes).”
Food Can Balance Your Energy: For This Equinox Month, Try Vanilla and Honey Avocado Pudding
“It’s long been known that specific flavors support and balance each of the Five Element energies. Today, we honor the balancing energy of Earth by using the sweet flavor of honey to make a wonderful, comforting, sugar-free dessert!”
Food Can Balance Your Energy: For Summer, Try a Refreshing Glass of Salty Lemonade!
This famous quote is often attributed to Hippocrates, although there’s no actual proof he ever said it. But whoever did say it was brilliant! Everything we put in our bodies affects us, so not only can we nurture ourselves with food, we can heal and balance ourselves with it, too. It’s long been known that specific flavors support and balance each of the Five Element energies.